Broken tree and ......

....... my granddaughter who is 20years old today, oh where did those years go? ( a funny story ... when she was about 9yrs old she asked" grandma, how old are you", after hearing my reply she announced " my mummy is 30yrs older than me and you are 60 yrs older than me " !! So how can I forget her age after that revelation .

.... it's such a shame to see broad leaf trees damaged ( well any tree/plant ) they give such a wonderful display when in leaf and great shapes when bare.
Having more energy than yesterday I ventured to the club, did my usual swim/exercise , must say it wasn't without a great effort , at least it was a bit of movement that was needed!
The rain and wind last night and this morning ( tho' it has calmed somewhat now) was storm like , I think the foxes decided it was too windy/ wet for them too as my dustbin was blown over but the contents were still there, I've no doubt if there had been animals around there would have been a right old mess.
Well I must away and put my shopping away now .

Thankful ..... to have managed a bit of exercise today .

Happy Birthday " K " xx

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