Roma-ing Around

Despite us waking at 8.34, Danny still managed to get Asha to school for 8.58!! A somewhat rushed start to the day! 
D & I had coffee and a prayer walk this morning...we saw a couple of the guys out, Tchani (pictured!) and Juan Knopfler (known by us as this as he busks and has a gorgeous gravelly Dire Straits-esque voice). Then back to Skype friends, M&M. As ever, a fun & deeply encouraging time with them. 
This evening we've got Asha's weekly art class & Caña Club, but a celebratory Caña Club as James & Rich got engaged yesterday! 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Chatting with Tchani. 
2) Chatting with M&M.
3) Praying (& chatting!) with Danny.

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