the kids were off but I went into work for a few hours then took my laptop home to do the rest. peggy was away at ciardha's house for most of the day so it was just daisy and beth lolling about at home.

I bought myself a new garmin watch like beefy's with my anchor money, I've been eyeing his up all weekend. I took it for a 7-mile run to try it out and it's ace. must be a proper runner now...

I delivered some suppprters letters and was shouted at by a very rude man in the street after my run. he was horrible and I let him know exactly how I felt about rude folk like sick of them. it made me realise that I'm not in the right frame of mind to be an activist at the moment, I've been so tolerant of rudeness and bigotry over the past three years and now I'm done with it.

we had a wee walk with peg before bed, but she was tired an grumpy most of the way, but it was nice anyway.

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