
My Dear Fellow,

I'm feeling unaccountably happy today, full of vim and vigour and with a rising sap. My pecker is up, my frown upside down and my step has a spring in it.

I'm not sure why this is. It certainly is not the weather. It was dull and overcast and a little rainy. But you know, it was sort of odd. Even the rain made me happy today. In my head, I was Gene Kelly, skipping along the gurgling gutter.

I wonder if Er Indoors has been slipping prozac into my Yorkshire tea?

Unfortunately Er Indoors is not faring so well. She appears to have caught a cold off a colleague and there was much swearing about "useless effers who come to effing work and spread their effing disease". So I left her at home with a box of tissues and a pair of therapy cats.

It is more than likely I'll catch the said effing disease at some point. But that is all right. It will take the edge off my high but that may be just as well. If I get any chirpier I may well tip over into "really effing irritating" territory, and that would never do.


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