Given the boot!

I know - and believe - that we are all, in our own ways, unique. But at the same time, I think that there lots of my behaviours that are not particularly uncommon. So, for example, I wouldn't be surprised to find out that, when the mood takes them, there are plenty of sentimental people who can, just a for a short period, be quite brutal when it comes to throwing things away.

Today I visited the tip with an Ikea bag full of boots and shoes. I'd say the majority of them were just items of footwear whose lifespan was drawing to a close and whose departure merely presented an opportunity for renewed trips to the Dr Marten website. That brown shoe is a good example: a rare non-DM purchase, I thought that it (and its partner) looked quite stylish until I actually wore them in public and felt like my feet had been imported from the seventies. 

Those walking boots, though: they were bought for me by my first wife, while she was working for Lowe Alpine Systems in the the early nineties. They were excellent as a gift but disappointing as a birthday present, truth be told. Still, I wore them for over twenty years, until the sole was so smooth, they were actually hazardous for any kind of walking that wasn't entirely on the flat.

And then there are those DMs. Bought in 2002 en route to the Radiohead gig in South Park. I have written about them on this blog previously, no doubt waxing lyrical about their loyal and lengthy service. That was probably a year or two ago. Finally, today, they were properly laid to rest.

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