An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

A Photo for the mantlepiece... keep the kids away from the fire!

Well finally, a year to the day (although two days out by the date) from when I first chickened out, I finally took the plunge and went for the chop! A year to the day! How spooky is that?!

For those who prefer the curls, fear not for I will never be able to get it this straight myself. The kinks and flicks will return as soon as it's washed (I think hairdresser straighteners must be a few million degrees hotter than domestic ones!) but it will be short and tidy and I won't look like I've just been dragged though a hedge backwards in gale force winds well actually I will but just with a shorter style ;-))

I feel immense relief at having it chopped because if truth be told and I know this is stupid but I can't help it I feel too old for long hair. David hasn't seen it yet but Alan laughed when he saw me and when I asked if he liked it and gave him the options of YES / NO / I'D RATHER NOT SAY, he chose the latter!

Popped into my old work place before heading home for a quick catch up and some lunch. Oh how I have missed Debbie's homemade lentil soup! Lovely to see her and a few others. As I left it felt as though I was just heading home after a days work yet it's 4 months since i left!

So, it's only bloody Friday peeps....woo hoo! Once dinner is out the way my plan for this evening is a HUGE modest glass of wine and a long overdue blip catch up! Hope you've all been behaving! ;-))

Have a great weekend everyone :-))) xxx

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