
The Scottish Gardening event of the year! Rather like the Chelsea Show, I was less than reliably informed. Still, the guy at the Rhododendron Society seemed engaging enough. The Rhododendrons at the Botanics, he started off... are wonderful, chirped in the SK. Are dreadful, he sternly continued. Oh, we thought in unison, and listened attentively to the sad tale of how the Botanics Rhodies had been laid low... after he stopped working there. After hearing how Ben More (the one near Dunoon) is the place to go to see Rhodies at their finest, he pressed membership applications on us and we made our escape.
The adjoining stall was for the Meconopsis society. Despite our great love of that blue poppy, we decided not to risk it.
Where did the rest of the day go? There was gardening, sitting in the sunshine and an attack on the backlog of recorded tv programs. Until the eyelids could stay open no longer. And not even midnight.

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