
More mayhem in London, more frantic calls to locate no1 son to establish he is safe! He then gets a frantic call from his London girlfriend who can't contact some of her friends then he discovers his Ardrishaig pal is also in London and we also check on our cousin. Not sure how much  more of this pummelling of the city from evil beings can go on. My friend from England's daughter was on the bridge in a car as this happened, her first hand account is horrible
To compound matters the media make a bean deathfest out of all this. Why can't they just report the issue then get on with as much as normality as possible. As I type this there is a London Muslim trying to justify why this happens, then May appears on tv and blames the bloody internet! Seriously! If they are aware this "radicalisation" is going on in the country's mosques, why the Hell are they not raiding these places and rounding these hateful preachers up and taking them to court! The answer, we have a weak judiciary who are afraid of being accused of racism  and too few policemen brave enough to follow in the footsteps of that brave child worker that pursued the sex allegation ring to the point she lost her job and was discredited rather than the judiciary round these abusers up and prosecute them! It is NOT racist to defend the law of this country, it is Not racist to stand up to your own culture being trampled  in our liberal haste to  integrate! You can help integrate people in a positive way without highlighting their background and making them think they then have a right to do as they please as they are above the law cause of their religion or race! This country needs to wake up, it doesn't mean forcing folks to abandon their culture but it should mean showing how cultures can live side by side and I know these are evil creeps who thrive on encouraging violence and killing but the law should be onto them.
I know it isn't perhaps that simple but we do need to fight back, not by saying we are so tolerant but by educating refugees  in a manner that makes them feel part of our society and a valuable part and not shoving them into poor housing and poor schools which are the breeding grounds for these radical evil haters. 
Sorry for the rant!

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