And for what?

The very worst acts of humanity draw out the best in our brothers and sisters. Acts of hate and terror draw others to incredible levels of self-sacrifice, of love, of service. So whilst some race to murder others race to help, to care, to heal, to comfort, to work tirelessly, selflessly for others. Whilst shamed by what some of us become, I am incredibly proud of what others of us reveal about who we are and who we strive to be.

It isn't so much that London is a great city. Rather, Londoners are great, great people, as so many others are in every city in every country. And we become greater, together. I was in London yesterday before the horrors took place. As I stood by the side of the road outside my daughter's home, a car stopped next to me. A young man I had never met before, a man from a different ethnicity, a different culture, looked at me and spoke to me as though I were his brother, or father, or friend. And for what? For no other reason than to be friendly. To care. And perhaps I am his brother, his father, his friend.

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