Terrorism in London

Thought I would venture out to check where the venue is for my friends party next week. Just off Fenchurch Street. As I got within a couple of feet of London Bridge there was a sea of blue flashing lights cordoning off the road. I drove in the direction police directed us to and was immediately stuck in traffic.I could hear helicopters overhead.

I am used to this sight in London, but this felt different. More desperate. I scrolled through twitter. Slowly more and more accounts of hit and run, stabbings, gunfire. BBC radio were confirming everything and I was stuck in traffic with the bridge where it was happening still in sight and 3 terrorists on the loose. First time I've felt afraid in London in my life.

Have just got home and am grateful to do so. Tomorrow there will be reports of death and pictures of bloodied innocent people and unassuming heroes. Tonight is a life changer for many.

I am going to bed tonight thinking of them all.

❤ London

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