He's here! (Joy and fear)

When Olivier was born, it was following a very long labour. So I was tired, and barely remember the birth itself, and what I have is mostly soundless.

This time was different. Baby arrived crying loudly, and I was able to give him a kiss right then.

And then things got a bit scary.

Because he was early, and because of the issues that led to his early birth, his lungs weren't ready. I watched as his hands and legs got gray. There were a lot of alarm bells, and though the docs kept saying it was ok, the talks of intubation were scary. So baby boy spent the day in NICU. As the pediatrician said, he just needed to be shown how all that breathing thing works.

So now, we're cuddling. I only saw him around 3pm, though the kind nurses after my c-section went down to check on him and brought back pictures, and I don't think i want to let him go anytime soon.

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