Meadowhead Farm

Can you see the name Meadowhead Farm in the round sign I just happened to frame in front of a tree, to the left of the house?
The house is where Eric's great-great-grandfather was born; his name was Thomas Cottam and he moved to America 175 years ago.
We took a day trip from York, spending quite a bit of time on smelly, little diesel trains putt-putting through north central England, to find this place. It's just a half-mile outside Waddington, a sweet village in the heart of the Ribble Valley in Lancashire, an area of cattle and sheep farms and an ages-old limestone quarry.
Now, the area attracts week-end visitors, bicyclists, and those out for walks along public pathways. One of those pathways goes up this driveway, hence the red rubbish bin put out for them.
The woman, not a relative, who lives here now, is in her nineties. She graciously invited us to walk about the place, but was eager to get back to a ball game on TV.
We tried to find the hilltop place, closer to York, Eric's brother researched and wrote his Master's thesis on when he studied restoration architecture in York in the 1970s, but couldn't find it. I'm disappointed, but I reckon you can't do it all.

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