High Priestess Efi.
Serving at the ancient shrine of Beeros. (In the village of Balos -island of Samos)
The pagan dutch had a similar god called Amstel, which very roughly translates in to ancient Greek as Beeros. There was also a Mythos, but that was as bad as the Amstel.
Thank heavens someone invented wine. The local wine is "Fokianos" I kid you not, and is an excellent Rose...
The Pagan celts of Britanica had their religion too, with Boddingtonus, a proper beer of the north west celts around Mancunium or "Mamucium" by its Roman name.
Sadly, the only references to this excellent ale have been consigned to Manchester mythology.
There is a much confused modern canned brew of the same name and occasionally found in Keg form in posh hotels which is an abomination and is better used as pig swill.
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