
By Alberta

What do you think of these then?

How do you know if the produce is good... here in France you would generally look at it, feel it but for the mushrooms (and I think these were truffles in this punnet) you smell them ...

It is my last chance to visit the market for a while and I had decided to just enjoy it with Mr A (who does all the food shopping) and not to take any photos .. then I saw a few things that I could not resist .. one of them being this man with a stall full of mushrooms and some very expensive cepes and truffles ... so I had already started to take some photos when this exchange took place.. The man on the left shows no signs of buying .. and I think it was just that the seller was showing off his prize produce... we were surprised there were so many mushrooms as it has been so dry here... but when it rains at this time of year you can expect the locals (who are in the know) to make secret excursions to their known sources... not advisable to try to follow... although Mr A has been taken to one of the sites... now that is an honour indeed...

We passed this stall on the way back to our car and the owner was brushing some of the mushrooms (probably the truffles) with a toothbrush!!

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