Flower Friday : : Chive Flowers with Rucola

Going to the gas station at 7:15 am and vying with cars coming from three directions trying to find an empty pump that wasn't out of order was a very big challenge for my brain this morning....not the recommended way to begin the day. Coupled with the worst allergy season in history, my chronically dry eyes (and a three minute plank in Pilates class,...just kidding, Sonya)  I came home and had an 'optical neuromuscular event'. This I learned from Cheslyn, my friend and eye doctor who answered my panicked phone call and talked me off the ledge.

Apparently what I had was an ocular migraine, or 'migraine aura without headache'. Although she assured me that it was none of the dire things I had read abiut on the internet (never do that...really bad idea) I think my brain has gone on strike.  At least I am reasonably certain that I don't have a detached retina or macular degeneration....

Cheslyn's brain was working just fine as she calmly asked questions and made suggestions and sorted out my tirade of unrelated symptoms. 

I liked the way the chive blossoms looked against the wall in the herb garden behind the rucola. I decided to see if I could do an idealized version of what I saw. I had fun doing it and now I think I'll go make a little salad of my still life.

Thanks as always to Biker Bear for continuing this great challenge.

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