Hay Fever

Yes. My hayfever has not been good but it is real hay fever time in the Casentino. The fields of high grasses and bleached out wild oats have been cut flat and lie baking in the sun.

Here we are at the little hamlet of Quorle high up in the Casentino. It was even 30C up this high when I took this shot.

The colours are changing rapidly - the olives are putting on paler olive-green, almost late evening blue, growth; the lush grass greens are dying back into blondes and bleached out, silky silvery whites. The wheat and barley are ripening quickly and the air has that milky somnolence (whatever that might be) as the hot dry air from the Sahara is sucked up north by the Azores High.

It is still cooling down delightfully in the evening but more mosquitoes are on the prowl even here in Monteloro.

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