Newcastle Downunder

By jensphotos

Bleh and cobalt sky

Not much to report today.  There are some big seas building but my shots of the guys out in it at Nobbys were bleh. I did get a shot of the moon over Nobbys but a bit bleh too.  The canoe pool was bleh.  Newie beach was bleh.  The girl on the skateboard was bleh and lets not speak of the guy on the skateboard with his sheltie.   Of all my bleh images today I have picked this one but only because of the sky.  I remember seeing Van Gogh's Church at Auvers in the Musee D'Orsay at a very young impressionable age.  The thing I remember most about it was the stunning blue cobalt sky and his brush strokes.  The sky here reminded me of it.  Well hooray it's Friday evening again and after visiting tomorrow I am off to Sydney for Vivid Part 1 at Taronga.  I hope the rain stays away.  Fingers Crossed.  Have a good weekend blipmates.

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