Da Auld Quarry

A breezy start to the day, but a calm evening.  It's been cloudy all day, and dry too.

I've been working on the museum desk all day.  The day started with a school visit from Scalloway, and I had many interesting questions from the P2s.  I was on the desk on my own for most of the afternoon.  Met mam at lunchtime for a walk about Lerwick.  More walkies with Sammy this evening, and the telly too.  Feet up for a quiet night in.

A fine evening for a walk about the village.  As I came along Main Street, I popped into the old quarry for a look.  This isn't a view I see often, and it's good to see all the trees in full bloom wirh leaves again.  Not sure what the old quarry was used for, but it's now a builder's yard.  Taken at Adie's Place, Scalloway.

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