
I think we need a few sheep on our allotment. Thanks to Jon for this photo, taken on the Magog Downs today. Tonight, once Jon was home, we went for a walk to view our patch together. We wandered across it, visualising this time next year! The late sun was shining on our bit. On the way back we dropped our agreement, plus £4.50 (rent to October) in to the parish clerk. She was clear about some strict rules- no sheds!! She will ask the landowner about chickens. We thought a couple to move about, in the eglu, would start the process of turning over the ground. But no sheds, means no structure and the hen house would be a structure! Anyway, stuff for the future.

Who else has a (nearly) 15 year old? Mine seems to have gone on strike. I was a little bit cross after listing 4 simple jobs, only to find none of them done when I got home. He says he is keen to dig the allotment

Busy at work. No headaches, and super good news from my book 'reviewer' in Guernsey. She has read to the end and really likes it!! It was a great feeling, knowing that I have properly finished the writing. And someone likes it! Now to self publish....i am hoping EVERYONE will buy a copy :) and I will be able to break even. Exciting isn't it? So hopefully I will be there at the next Linton Book Festival. And by then I will be able to call myself an Author!

It is late now, and I have to go to bed, without even mentioning my weeding, washing and the couple of badges I sewed onto my camp blanket tonight. What an exciting life I lead....

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