Blooming (Day 756)

It was a bit grey and overcast as I wandered the dogs up the hill this morning.
Back home, and after coffee, I headed across to Stromness to deal with a plumbing job. At last! I did a morning's work. For some reason the phone has stopped ringing lately and work has been very thin on the ground. Hopefully things will improve. The job went well enough and I was back home in time to have lunch with  my beautiful wife before a walk with the woofers at Wasdale.
We had a quick turn around at home, then zoomed into town to do a few things.
Having not had the camera out of it's bag all day, I thought I would have a bash at shooting the cactus in the porch which has decided that it is going to burst into flower.

In other news, I have another job to do in Stromness tomorrow morning... Hurrah!

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