
By RavensRoost

A Slow Way to Travel, But the View is Excellent!

We are having our house painted. As it is three stories, the painters needed a boom lift to reach the top floor. The lift was brought out on a long flat-bed truck that was unable to make the curves from the highway to the house. Creeping along like a sloth, it took the driver (seen in photo) about 30 minutes to travel the 1 1/2 miles from the highway to the road. 

Thanks for all your comments and links to help me identify the Hummingbird Moth in yesterday's blip. I had never seen one until a few days ago. When I showed the photo to my husband he wondered if it might be a hummingbird; so perhaps this moth is appropriately named!

On Mono Monday I posted a B&W capture of Blue Flax. In the extra is a colored photo of this delightful flower that is so useful. 

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