To Norway and Beyond


Troll Magic!

I set up online banking yesterday and got my very own Bank ID, which I call Troll Magic as it sort of blew my mind the first time I encountered it. It's a device you have on your keyring that generates a one-use random code when you press the button that allows you to log in to your bank account or use your credit card online, in addition to your normal password. Norwegians seem to be extremely afraid of having their online personal information or accounts hacked, yet they don't lock their bikes when they run into the store...

Marius is getting ready to move to Hamar, and is getting more nervous. I found out I have the first week of October off so I'll help him move into our apartment then and stay for the week. I'm also recovering from a minor cycling accident on the way to school; some kid biked up behind me and decided to try to turn right from my left hand side. He clipped me and I went flying, but my jacket absorbed most of the blow, though my left arm is quite sore. Told him to be more careful, but I'm not sure how much English he understood, he looked almost more frightened when I didn't speak Norwegian!

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