Curiouser & curiouser...

By turningbull


As promised yesterday, here is a shot of the lovely trophy I was awarded for my contributions to crystal growing at my work. Just out of shot are the huge piles of work I always do, and mounds of beautiful crystals.

As tomorrow is my last day, I also received some awesome gifts from my fantastic co-workers. (No matter how much I look at that word, it will always say cow-orker to me, but that's neither here nor there.) For starters I got a chemex coffee maker which is just plain brilliant and the perfect gift for anyone who likes chemistry and coffee. Secondly I got a set of dinosaur pencils with dinosaur pencil top erasers! Will definitely be pulling them out at my new job and dazzling my new cow-orkers with how rad I am. There was also a sizeable tub of homemade truffles which were incredibly delicious. I should totally have threatened to leave months ago!

To be honest though, it's just sunk in that I'm going to be leaving an awesome bunch of people, and I doubt I'll ever enjoy the company of colleagues as much as I do/did there. Going to be a sad day tomorrow! (The pub dinner and alcohol might help! Or cause me to sob uncontrollably...)

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