Think, try, share

By JonBusby


My mind was fried as I had come off a long work call. To re-calibrate I took out a few minutes and started setting my old Ixus up on manual mode. I just can't do manuals or instructions. I prefer to prod, poke and push things.

This is a test shot of Oscar as I was doing a bit of point and click and he just happened to be in the vicinity. I quite like this. Oscar doesn't really like having his picture taken especially if it disturbs his pre dinner iPad time. I quite like the disapproving stare.

The Photobore Bit: It's funny how in a year I am now using functionalities on my Ixus that were always there but I didn't know how to use. I am having fun with the Ixus at the moment. I like the limitations of a compact in the same way that I like being limited by my fixed focal length lens on my Nikon.

I hope you had a good day.

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