Adventure Food!

We'll, this is a bit of an adventure so the food is appropriate, and rather tasty. Word of warning though, when it says to fill to the line with hot water and reseal the packet (zip lock bag) make sure you do otherwise it may tip over and flow, lava like, over the floor of your tent. If this happens you get a spoon, scoop it all back into the bag, maybe with a bit of grass and the odd baby earwig, a drop more water, and its fine. Just saying as this could possibly happen!
visited Vimy Ridge and the WW1 tunnels dug mostly by Welsh soldiers due to their mining experience, seriously. Google Vimy Ridge, yet another heart wrenching experience

yesterday we did Tyne Cot(tage), largest CWGC in the world, also worth looking up.

Apologies for any spelling errors, using my windows phone as I cannot access camera photos until I get home, its also the reason I'm not commenting, taken me nearly half an hour to do this!

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