Jasmyn's Strawberry Jam

'J' is for Jasmyn! ;-)

Dear C bought me this beeeegg bottle of Strawberry Jam at Jasmyn today!! I just luvvvv it, and since my 'Super Strawberry Jam', handgrown and handmade in Stockholm is all finished now, this comes in as a very good second best!!

I wonder, was it the Jam, or was it the fact that we had my pain under control today, that made me feel better again? Hiehiehie

Thank you, once more, my dear friends and family, who prayed for me yesterday when I was really down, today was much better! My portavac drained much less today, and I really pray the doctor will be able to remove it tomorrow! We discovered that the pain under my left arm and around almost to the front of my left shoulder is definitely caused by the portavac pipe that runs through the tissue there! Esich!

Good night and God bless


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