
By Beewriter


There have been huge queues as tattooists are doing a roaring trade in the Manchester Bee tattoo. I don't think I want a permanent one so I bought some henna yesterday and drew a bee on my wrist.

I am aching all over tonight and I'm sitting in bed with an ice pack on my ankle. I made a right fool of myself on session today as I was lifting the cradle part of the donation chair out of a cage. I caught my foot in the strap and twisted my ankle as I fell to the floor. The cradle crashed across the floor, the noise reverberating around the school hall where we were working. Of course, it all happened in front of a full room of people. I now have a sore ankle, sore big toe, sore shoulder and very hurt pride :(

I had given up on them putting my blog on our NHSBT site, but today they did. I wrote it in April, so it is well out of date. There is still the one I wrote about the day after the bombing and also one about the dragon boat race to go up. It is so frustrating.....I think I shall have to start a 'fictional' one of my own :)

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