A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Soap Opera

One of those, this is the only photo I took days. Taken to demonstrate why I left the shop empty handed having been requested to buy soap that was just the right level of manliness - not too little, not too much. In the presumed absence of Imperial Leather which, it turns out, is the Goldilocks of manly soaps.

This morning we had a successful morning dividing and conquering on homework - Carl did physics with J and I did politics with A. Mostly stuff around the general election and how Parliament and the whole process works. All very interesting. For many reasons can't tell you a thing the menfolk worked on.

This afternoon Anna and I headed to the cinema for the latest Wimpy Kid film which was reliably good fun.

There's been a backdrop of some not so great stuff too but as this isn't Eastenders I'm going to ignore it.

Lesley x

PhilippaJ - apologies for the lack of lava lamps. We used up all the cheap oil. Another day, I promise.

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