
By bananablip

How to half term #1

- A delicious lie-in watching the brilliant but brutal new adaptation of The Handmaid's Tale.

- A glorious 10km run along the river and the old canal.

- A quick catch up with Clare and Queen Ellie followed by a yummy, eggy breakfast.

- A long shower and some satisfying pottering around the house.

- A very overdue haircut. I bravely ventured downstairs to Hokum and the hairdresser was (thankfully) small-talk free.

- A wander around town, treating myself to a few nice new things.

- Getting some new books from the library ready for some half term reading.

- Yoga with the wonderfully weird Jeff.

- A beer.

It's felt like a long a relentless half term, despite being only five weeks. Today it has been wonderful to reset and I feel like a new woman. With a new haircut and new pants.

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