Twentyone Today

Born and bred in Yorkshire

I worked from home today so I could take Forrest out for lunch to celebrate his 21st birthday, along with his younger brother. We went to the Cow and Calf Hotel (which always seems to have interesting things on the menu) and enjoyed a very relaxed meal (Parsnip and Aubergine Curry for me!) and a pint. It was lovely to just sit around a table and chat, something that rarely ever seems to happen at home. It made me realise the extent to which technology invades our space in the house and continually diverts our attention from each other to some kind of screen. That's the downside of technology, but the upside is that Forrest was able to see his mother in Peru via Skype, and also his grandmother (who is loving her iPad by the way - and I'm so proud of her) down in Christchurch. That's really pretty amazing.

I've always thought that birthdays belong as much to the mother as to the child. Although we are no longer together it was nice to be able to wish her a happy birthday too this morning. In some ways that 21 years has passed in a flash, but in other ways it seems like a lifetime ago. I guess all parents can relate to that kind of duality of time in respect to their children growing up. The babies are suddenly adults. You turn your back and they are all grown up. But you can't actually remember a time when they weren't in your life.

Forrest was very clear as to what he wanted for his birthday and I duly obliged by buying him a track day, an opportunity to drive a number of supercars very fast around a track. Roam and I did our homework and we seem to have done well with the package we got him. Apparently, it was 'mint'!

The lads have now gone out into town to celebrate with Forrest's mates. It will no doubt involve the drinking of a great deal of alcohol. I've told him to be sensible. I know it won't make any difference but it helps me to feel better to say the words anyway. Although perhaps he's at an age now when he will be! I live in hope!!

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