
By Babrecila

Anyone for the Back Row ?

Came across this old cinema sign in a junk shop, so propped it up and took a sneaky photograph. It takes me back to my teenage days, when a boy I liked asked to take me on a date to the pictures. As I didn't have much money, I agreed to meet him outside the Central cinema in Cambridge. He said "We'll go in the half crowns (2/6)" I thought how posh, the best seats, then he asked me for my money! I only had 3 shillings pocket money, which I reluctantly handed over, as I thought he would pay. So we sat in the back row, and his arm slid round the back of the seat onto my shoulders. There were two films showing and in the interval, he got up when the ice cream girl came round and stood in the queue. I wondered why he hadn't asked me what flavour I wanted. I soon found out, he only got one for himself, and sat there enjoying it. I didn't even get my sixpence change back. So, I said I was going to the 'Ladies' and walked home. Lesson No.1- Always keep enough money for the bus fare home !!

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