Granted I didn't expect a slow blipday to come along so soon, but perhaps it's just as well: my Mother's Day drawers. To give you an idea of size, they'd probably each hold a couple of pairs of drawers.....
Less hot today, thank goodness, but none of the promised rain yet and we seem due to miss out on the big storms promised further west. Admin largely thwarted by the bank holiday which I had forgotten about despite Mr B being here and at a loose end. Of their three offices, only the French one was working today, which must be the only day in the year that happens...
Errands (buying a grapevine and some sleeping tablets), lunch, dinner and an angry letter to TallGirl's school who have the kids woefully under-prepared for their oral exam next week. We only found out today - quite by accident - that TallGirl can earn extra credit by doing hers partly in English. So I think a meeting at the school with her class teacher (who mumbles gruffly and I can't catch more than one out of five words) and the head teacher (who hates me, and is leaving the school so has nothing to lose) is in my immediate future.
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