horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

Puffin Along

Today was all about these guys, though there were intriguing interludes. The boat trip to Canna went ahead as planned (though with a delayed start as some of our Mediterranean continental cousins played to the stereotype of turning up late), and started in dry and reasonably bright weather. The cetaceans weren't really coming out to play, and didn't all day (save a few fleeting Harbour Porpoises), but after dropping a couple on Rum, with the Dutch and Spanish contingent oohing and aahing over Red Deer that had the Scottish contingent mehing, it was our turn to be dropped on Canna, while the rest of the boat took the shorter hour trip.

We headed over to Sanday with the promise of hundreds of Puffins. It was a pleasant walk, punctuated by a sustained twin Bonxie attack (see extra), but the Puffins were all out on the water, or nesting atop a stack fairly distant from our clifftop viewpoint. Still, we got to see a fair amount in the water on the run in, and post-pick up. By now the rain had arrived and it was a wet trip home, to climb the hill back to the house. 

But Puffin fix for the year has been achieved. 

Rain and wind scheduled for tomorrow....

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