on the way

Last night was my monthly bivvy and for May I had chosen the top of Screel, A long hill which rises to 344m between Castle Douglas and the coast.
Mine was the only car in the car park as I set off at 8.30pm, off up the forest road, between the trees and up the valley of the Screel Burn to the summit. The midges descended as I laid out my sleeping bag, but thankfully a little breeze soon came over and they left. I thought that the breeze would bring in rain, but I woke at 7, dry and rested. 

This inscription is on the back of a seat halfway up the hill. (see extra). I don't know who Bernard and Barbara were, but I hope they enjoyed some lovely walks up here. We sing words very similar to these in one of the songs in our Cairn Valley Song Cycle concert, in English and in Gaelic.

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