Pandoras Box

Yesterday was certainly a day to remember.......first and foremost as Carol and Martys wedding day!

The first challenge was the weather, sticky, heavy, cloudy, windy with a couple of thunderstorms thrown in for good measure!

Then there was the lighting challenge, dark in the ceremony room, brighter in the other areas, outdoors, overcast, then dark and the odd sunburst!

Emotionally challenging too......knowing the bride and groom and seeing them both shed tears making their vows, made taking photographs through misty eyes not ideal ;-)

Thankfully hub offered to be my assistant for the day, carrying my camera bag, tripod etc. around after me.....he was a real help, definitely two heads are better than one.

I thoroughly enjoyed taking the photos, but am so glad they didnt want lots of posed images, but more relaxed natural and candid shots......I took smaller group shots, but trying to get everyone together for one big group shot was like managing a bucket of frogs ;-))

It challenged my know how for sure and exposed holes in my knowledge, capabilities and kit but despite all of that Im pleased with the images Ive taken. Done my first session of editing.....forgot how much longer it takes when shooting in raw!

The bride let me use their room to change etc. as we were guests at the evening reception. She accompanied me up to the room then presented me with a card and two lovely gifts by way of a thank you, as Id said I would take their photos as a wedding gift.

I had to blip one of my gifts as its just the perfect little camera for my pandora bracelet :-)))

I will back blip a photo from the wedding yesterday once Ive shared them and got their permission.....I hope they like them!

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