Speedwell and sycamore
A long night's sleep, much needed after Friday's late night and Saturday's early morning. Once we'd gathered our thoughts, we decided to head out to find a shop that sold portable hard disks (of which there is one at Fort Kinnaird) and then a walk (at Fisherrow). Then we remembered that the marathon cut us off from that part of Edinburgh and probably rendered Fisherrow inaccessible altogether. An alternative variant of the same shop was to be found in Corstorphine, so we navigated our way over there, and we were heading to Silverknowes and a walk along the front when we simultaneously decided that Corstorsphine Hill would be a better option. It's a hill always viewed and rarely visited. We didn't even try to get a view of the city today, although we did look out the opposite direction towards the airport and the new bridge.
What appealed to me most was that it was cool and airy, and quiet - just a few people around and about. And such wonderful mature deciduous woodland. Definitely the right choice for a wander.
Home for more reconstruction of the living room (and removal of stuff from my study and Alf's study/spare room) and a bit of catch up on the computer.
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