More roses for GingerNan

Incredibly this rose has only been in the ground for about 18 months and has produced this amazing display of roses already. I dead headed about 50 - 60 fading blooms before taking the picture. The warm weather has paid dividends.

The variety is Crepuscule, introduced to me by Blipper GingerNan in New Zealand. Recommended in one of her blips as "a good performer and a gem to have in the garden", I thought "that's what I need". I bought one for our old garden and just had to have one here!!!  I have said "Thank You" several times and do so again. Memories of New Zealand trips :0)

I've put a close up in extras.

A busy day at home. Tackled the big pile of ironing, before moving into the garden. A mixture of emptying bulbs out of pots to dry and planting the over wintered pelargoniums into other pots and raised beds, safe from 4 pawed investigators!!!

B has started restoring the tapestry frame. Creating a mess (which he will clear up) like a kid at Christmas. 

I think that it will be an evening of TV and relaxation.

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