Making the bed

Got up and finished the last bit of mosaic in the bathroom this morning, while Tim started sorting out the mountain of tools, materials, etc, in our dining room.  After a quick lunch, I caught the train down to Kent to stay over with my friend Katherine.  We had a lovely afternoon hanging out in the garden with her friend and her daughter, then watched a lovely nature programme together.  

The main reason for staying over was to watch the new Twin Peaks together (like we used to when we were about 12/13) - and we did eventually watch some of it, but mostly we just talked and talked and talked, which was lovely!  It was so nice to have a good long chunk of time to catch up like that.  Eventually, Katherine's Tim came home after midnight, and we stopped trying/pretending to watch Twin Peaks (which was actually very good!), and headed out into the garden to sleep in the pre-prepared tent (again, like we used to when we were 12/13).  Carried on chatting for a while longer, but did eventually stop and got to sleep :)

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