Before we went away last weekend, as keen gardeners, we had a look around the garden and hoped that whatever the weather whilst we were on holiday, there would be some colour in the border when we got back.  We were particularly concerned about the poppies, and as many of you will know, they are not just any old poppies, but they belonged to Mr. HCB’s mother, who died over twenty years ago, and had been brought from her garden when the house was eventually sold.

We were not disappointed!

When we opened the conservatory doors on our return, we were greeted by this riot of beauty and colour and as we rushed out to look at the various flowers in the border, the poppies seemed to shout out at us “We’re still here!”

So as well as the poppies, there are geums, foxgloves, aquilegias, cornflowers, roses, pinks, lupins, thrift and of course, the daisies on the grass!

If you add to all those the strawberries, runner beans, dwarf climbing beans, broad beans (with very large pods!), carrots, radish, pak choi, asparagus peas, mange tout peas - you can imagine it took us quite a while to wander round the garden.

Our friendly neighbours, Lynn and Mike, have been wonderful in faithfully watering the vegetables and also looking after the greenhouse and our other neighbours, Rik and Sandra, have looked after the house, so we are very grateful to them and also to our friend, Julia, for a wonderful holiday in Budleigh Salterton.

We decided to have a very lazy day today, but I have no doubt Mr. HCB will be out in the garden working tomorrow and I hate to say it, but we could really do with some rain - but perhaps it could wait until Tuesday, after the Bank Holiday!

Two quotes for one today - because it’s Sunday!

I liked this one:

“Most folks probably think 
     that gardens only get tended 
          when they're blooming. 
But most folks would be wrong.” 
Shannon Wiersbitzky : What Flowers Remember

Whereas, Mr. HCB liked this one:

Gardening simply does not allow one
     to be mentally old,
          because too many hopes and dreams
are yet to be realised.
Allan Armitage

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