Electronic Ears (again)

I think I started recording Electronic Ears in June 2012. A friend of mine used to broadcast on a (very) local radio station called Indigo FM and put me in touch with the station manager, who said I could put out a two hour show on Sunday evenings. I had a brief training session on the antiquated and somewhat Heath Robinson set up and then I was on my own. 

The station itself was in a little stone shed on Salt Pie Lane in Kirby Lonsdale, with no facilities to speak of. By the time my tenure there came to an end - due to a cock-up with the station's licence - I was living only a hundred yards away, and I would wander 'round there with a bottle of wine when it was time to record the show.

In the end, I recorded and broadcast ninety-two shows, with the final one going out on the 27th of July 2014. All of the shows are lost as I didn't have a chance to download them from the stations hard drive and, to be honest, it's probably for the best. I did, however, keep a log of all the shows and the first seventy-eight shows are detailed on the electronicears.blog website. More of that in a moment.

Shortly after Indigo went under I was approached by some guys who were setting up a station at Furness College in Barrow, asking if I'd record the show for them. To be honest, I was more bewildered than anything, although definitely flattered, too. I wasn't surprised when I didn't hear anything more from them...

...until the following year. It had taken them longer to get set up than expected but now they reckoned they were broadcasting (as 'Cando FM') to seven thousand people and maybe more as their signal was apparently reaching Morecambe, too. Was I still interested? 

And so on the 29th of November, 2015, Electronic Ears crackled back across the ether, bringing the delights of my music library to the citizens of Barrow and, possibly, Morecambe. This coming Sunday will be my seventy-fourth show for Cando.

This time, though, I have kept podcasts of every show, which I store on Dropbox and then publish links to them on Facebook. Some people have asked if I could make them available through iTunes and I wasn't sure about that but recently I found a WordPress plugin that will enable me to make the podcasts available through the site and also iTunes. 

Consequently, I've had to upgrade the website to an enhanced WordPress package and I need to get the final few playlists up from the Indigo days before I start uploading the Cando podcasts. (And when I say "I", I mean my loyal daughter, Hannah, who has always taken care of the posts in return for a small weekly settlement.) We'll also need to fix some Spotify links which the WordPress upgrade appears to have goosed. 

Anyway, I'm telling you *all* of that by way of explanation for today's rather mundane photo, which is of the book in which I documented all of my Electronic Ears playlists at Indigo FM. (This page is for week 81.) 


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