We're Having A Heatwave

My Dear Fellow,

The hot spell continued today, at least in the morning. I woke up to find myself bathed in sunlight. The lads had sensibly escaped around to the back of the flat where it is cooler, and were lying as flat as it is possible to be.

Fortunately there was a little rain in the afternoon. I was out in it, heading to the supermarket and it was just perfect. Not enough to get drenched in, just enough to wake me from a heat-induced torpor. 

But in the evenings our flat gets very warm. I think it is because we are on the 2nd floor - and the heat from the ground rises up, like some huge blummen night-storage heater that you can't turn off. 

Suffice to say it was not pretty. Me, in me skivvies huddled in front of the fan with a pair of cats and an ice lolly.

However, it makes for a great excuse to be thoroughly lazy. Why fight it? Be as flat as it is possible to be, I say.


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