
By Bigdreamer


Today Bailee stayed for her first full day at kinder, I was the one struggling to deal with it, Bailee skipped off happy to be able to join in the activities of the afternoon, they had pmp today, which is a combination balance and co-ordination skills something I know she will love. The weather could have been nicer, it has turned back to cold and rainy and inside play will almost be certain today.

Lara had her first swimming class without me in the water with her today, just her and the instructor. I was nervous as she is very robust and is easily excited. I had needn't of been she was brilliant, she had a smile plastered on her face and did everything the swimming teacher asked I was impressed at how well she followed instructions and actually at how confident she is in the water, she was diving in and paddling and absolutley having a ball.

Home again to pick my big girls up can't wait to hear about miss Bailees day.

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