Roald Dahl

A rose in a pot on the front garden that arrived as a bare rooted plant last autumn. I never dreamt that it would be flowering like this so soon.

A great day. Before breakfast / lunch, we repotted two acers and a number of plants grown from cutting last autumn. Chelsea Flower Show has a lot to answer for.....!!!

Thunder and winds were forecast locally, so we headed west, collected the girls and went to Thoresby to collect a vintage floor standing embroidery frame. A a good home....ours!! It needs to be cleaned and repolished which B has offered to do. We walked the girls, had a coffee, then took them home to R & P and had another coffee whilst we caught up on their news.

Home to do some odds and ends before heading out to dinner. A wonderful day. I'm now watching the Chelsea Flower Show TV program which I recorded whilst we were out, whilst I upload this blip.

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