A double celebration and a skint knee

The afternoon was perfect! The photos, however, were rubbish. This is the best of a bad bunch, but it does show the radiant birthday bride, Christina. 

The small group of guests were treated to a superb lunch in The Sisters restaurant in Jordanhill. I'll definitely be going back there, even if it's just for the "puff candy meringue, honeycomb ice cream & warm butterscotch sauce" that I chose for pudding dessert.

The morning was less perfect! I did something I haven't done since I was about ten: I tripped on some concrete and fell flat on the ground, skinning my left knee and elbow, tearing a hole in the knee of my jeans and warping my silver bangle. I also heard a crack in my hand as I landed and thought I might have broken a bone, but I can move all my fingers even if the hand itself is painful, so I was lucky. Having checked that no-one had seen me - phew! - I hobbled home to mop up the blood and nurse my injured pride. 

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