
Everything seems to have doubled in size in the last two weeks (the garden, the fields, my belly). We met a 6 month old lab/retriever assistance dog to be on our walk - he was brilliant, very bouncy for a run around with Rosie while I chatted with his people. Later in the day we saw a tiny fluffy puppy in Wilkinsons who were with the same company Canine Partners. I didn't talk to the man with the fluffy puppy, he already had a trail of interested children following him.

After that, Jay, Will and I went to inspect the next not good for us house. It could have been lovely but would have needed multiple walls knocking down, a new kitchen, 2 new bathrooms and decorating throughout. Decided probably not worth our time. Was nice to introduce Will to wandering round other people's houses though.

Then Daisy and I went into town for a good amount of bimbling, stationery and nails were high on our lists and I went in search of that middle age nirvana- multi focal contact lenses. Am sick to death of not being able to see anything from one moment to the next. Bought three new pairs of reading glasses from Poundland to tide me over. I also did v well on the £1 bookshelf in Waterstones, four books I would likely not have read otherwise including a "diet that really works" book I bought for some new ideas and inspiration. Am going to start eating mainly seafood which suits me down to the ground. I have just been reading it as part of Will's enforced daily holiday reading session. (My enforcement, I read my book, he read his. I didnt read him a diet book)

Oh and I also sent an arsy and pissed off work email. To my boss, not the originator of the pissedoffedness. I had left it 24 hours since yesterday and was still cross. This is the sensible action.

Ohhh, well done if you have got to the end of this twaddle ramblings. We were in Iceland this time last year, now that was a special time!

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