Little Kingdom

By icemaiden


Today, H attended the first of 2 birthday parties this weekend. It was her friend N's 3rd birthday party, at a sports centre in Hamilton. I wasn't too sure about it when I arrived as it's not what I imagine a traditional party to be - no structure and the kids left to do as they please, but it actually proved to be ideal for their age. They had great fun running around and playing with the various toys - bouncy castle, balls, giant snakes and ladders, and stilts. I was very surprised how quickly H mastered them.
I took O with me too, and left hubby at home to do some work to the house. Funnily enough, when I arrived home, no work had been done and he was sitting watching the Scotland game with my dad! I took H to the park for a while to let them watch the rest of the football in peace.

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