Silly Saturday: Rats!!

I was silly today.

Shygirl73 pointed out in a blip comment in my journal the other day we've been having nice weather for cycling. So of course I followed her suggestion and dug my bike out of the garage, pumped up the tyres and oiled the gears and went for a tootle this morning (Wisely I checked the forecast first and found that it would probably rain later in the day - and it did!).

Cycling wasn't silly, but read on to find out what was. Although I've cycled through it many times, I hadn't previously realised that there's a small bird feeder area in Weetslade Country Park (another of our local landscaped old colliery sites). Well I went down the signposted track to the bird feeders: there weren't many birds around but I did come across this rodent eating up what the birds had dropped on the ground. "Rats" I thought - I was so silly not to bring my long lens. So this photo is heavily cropped, and therefore not as good as I'd have liked. I'll know next time :-)

Thanks to admirer for hosting Silly Saturday.

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