Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

Play misty for me

It's hard you know, hard to be heard properly, to be understood, to say what you want and have people hear the words right.

How quick we are to judge, how eager we are to bring our prejudices to the table and not leave them at the door. We hear what we want, we hear what fits with the plan we make. Today... I will endeavour to be open, remain free, judge not and listen more, in the hope that it is returned likewise!

I made this purpose for today while standing in the middle of the common, cold and bright. Clear vision, clear mind on a beautiful clear day. It would be nice though to have some of those really magical misty September mornings, where mysterious figures loom out from the swirling greyness. Mornings where sound is distorted into ghostly form and shadow and light are absent. Hah well, soon, perhaps...the leaves are changing...and the low sunlight this morning made them look more copper and amber than they really are...soon!

Have a good day everyone! :D

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