Another Sign of Spring

Every year, we wait for THE BUSH to appear. The lady who lives here works with my daughter Karen, so we sometimes get an advanced warning that they are about to show up.

I think THE BUSH has been around for a while. The house used to be on my mail route, but I only have a vague memory  of it being there. It just goes again to prove...that if you're looking for a picture for see things (and notice things) differently.

I got "warned" last year that THE BUSH had bloomed, but I missed its window. I wasn't going to let that happen this year.

The lady and her husband do a wonderful job on their yard. I hate to admit that I had to call and ask, but...these are rhododendrons.

It must be good soil...
it must be good dirt-y...
to produce these blossoms...
'cuz they sure are purty.

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