Englishman in Bandung

By Vodkaman

Momma taught me!

When the local kids see me arrive on the scene, they come running shouting, "Foto foto"! It is impossible to resist them. They pose, I click off a few, they come running to look at the results, quick giggle and then run off. The thing is that I never delete them. I edit them and store them in my peoples file. I pull them out occasionally to cheer myself up.

I don't plan or arrange these shots, other than getting down on my knees and putting the sun behind me. If the kids want to throw up gang signs or silly faces then that's fine by me. What I do find is, that how they do the pose reveals a lot about their character.

My old pal, Fitri (center) is forward and very laid back, as you already know from my old blips of her. She exaggeratedly leans back, sneers into the lens while nonchalantly chewing on a straw.

Her young brother (right) is a little cheeky, boisterous terror, quick to throw a tantrum if he does not get his own way. He has spent many hours practicing his gang signs and serious face.

Her young sister (left) simply oozes sweetness. She throws up the only gang sign that she knows, the one her Momma taught her!

Further to the mosquito blip of two days ago, in the comments, Mollyblobs, the undisputed king of bug identifications, correctly pointed out that the blipped insect was in fact NOT a mosquito, but a fly. The long feeding tube associated with mozzies was missing, a fact that I conveniently ignored and not for the first time. I need to be more precise and stop ignoring evidence that is right in front of me. Thanks Molly.

Update - Chironomidae midges


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